Riser recliner chairs

1 Sep 2010

We all know about chairs. You might have one or two favourites. All chairs give you some support, but think about the following questions.

You may find you need to look at specialist seating.

  • Do you need extra support?
  • Do you sit in the same chair for long periods?
  • Do you find it difficult to sit down or get up?

If it’s difficult to sit down and stand up, you may need someone to help you all day (or you may end up in the same chair all day). Or if you can’t get comfortable, you may end up staying in bed. Some people even find they can no longer stay in their own home. Getting the right chair can help keep you independent. This guide looks at the options. We give information about riser recliners, and advice to help you choose and get one.

Download the guide

Please note this report is from 2010. The general information is still relevant, but check current product information.