Thank you very much for joining the RiDC consumer research panel.
This is an agreement informing you of what it means to be a member of the RiDC consumer panel and details our respective responsibilities. Please read this agreement carefully. If you have any questions, please get in touch. Our details are at the bottom of the page.
As a panel member you’ll be contacted from time to time by one of our staff to ask you to take part in some of our research. This research is varied and can include surveys, interviews, focus groups and discussions, user testing (in a test laboratory or in your home) and mystery shopping.
We’ll select you based on the requirements of the research and match it to the information you gave us when you registered. If it is a match, we’ll contact you and give you all the relevant information about the research and ask if you’re willing to take part. You’ll always have the right to decline without having to give a reason. We’ll pay you depending on your involvement (see below). If you agree to take part we’ll provide you with a written research schedule outlining what’s required and what you’ll be paid.
Please note that this document is not a contract of employment and does not give you any rights as an employee or oblige us to provide you with work.
Payment and expenses
We often pay panel members for taking part in our research. The rates will vary depending on the nature of the research. We’ll meet any reasonable expenses we’ve already agreed with you, including travel and personal assistance/carer costs. Receipts will be required.
Your responsibilities
If you do any work for RiDC, it will be your responsibility to:
- carry out all tasks included on the research schedule, including any briefing or training events, to an acceptable standard
- meet the deadline on the research schedule and answer any of our queries as soon as possible. If for any reason you’re likely to miss a deadline, please let us know as soon as you can
- ensure that any results or responses are accurately and clearly recorded in the format requested, signed and dated, and then return them to us
- maintain strict confidentiality about the nature of the research, clients, or other organisations involved as well as any findings before, during and after the project
- ensure that you will not at any time use the fact that you’ve provided services to RiDC in any advertising or marketing material, or seek to associate yourself with RiDC at any time without our prior consent
- take good care of any equipment or materials we loan you and return them to us, where relevant, after the project is finished
- tell us about any potential conflict of interest, including those that come from family; personal or professional relationships between you and RiDC’s employees; or people or organisations involved in the research
- let us know if you have any problems or queries so we can help
Our responsibilities
If you do any research for RiDC, it will be our responsibility to:
- provide you with a research schedule with clear information about what’s required, including payment details, deadlines and practical considerations
- provide you with the materials we consider to be reasonably necessary for you to complete the research
- provide you with appropriate training, including safety briefing, if necessary
- carry out a full assessment of the risks and ethical considerations involved in the research
- provide payment and expenses to you within 30 days of receiving your completed and signed claim form, with any receipts, as long as you’ve carried out the research set out in the research schedule
- treat any information you provide us with the strictest confidence and not share it with anyone outside of RiDC
RiDC has employer’s liability insurance up to £5 million and this covers you while you’re carrying out research for us. You can see a copy of the insurance certificate on request.
Duration of this agreement
This agreement will continue until it is terminated by either you or RiDC by giving notice by post, email or by phone. The agreement may be terminated by us if you breach any of the terms of this agreement.
Intellectual property rights
If we make recordings, videos or photos during the research we’ll ask you to sign a release form giving your permission for RiDC to use them in future publicity. All intellectual property rights relating to the research, including your records and responses, belong to RiDC.
Tax liabilities
You’ll be treated as a self-employed person and will be responsible for all income tax liabilities and National Insurance or similar contributions on any fees that we pay you under this agreement. You agree to indemnify RiDC in respect of any tax claims that might be made relating to your services under this agreement.
Data protection
By signing this agreement, you agree that we may retain personal data you have provided to RiDC. We know that privacy matters to you so the information you have provided to us will be treated with the strictest confidence and will not be shared with anyone outside RiDC.
To change your preferences at any time please call RiDC on 020 7427 2460 or email [email protected]